Wordle is a simple word game in which players have six attempts to guess a five-letter word, with feedback from each guess in the form of colors indicating which letters in the guess are in the solution and whether they are correctly placed.
Software engineer Josh Wardle created the game and made it publically available in October 2021. Within a few months it had gone viral, gaining millions of daily players, prompting a purchase of the game by the New York Times in January 2022, and inspiring a number of clones and similar games with varied themes and rules.
So, welcome to the Wordleverse, where we explore and celebrate Wordle and the family of games it has inspired!
So far, we have collected 947 games, tools, and sites on the main page, and 89 games for languages other than English.
Play the Original Check out the Games page Check out the non-English GamesIn 2017, Reddit launched the first version of r/place, a collaborative drawing space open to all of the Internet to contribute, one pixel at a time.
The very first post about r/place was made by u/powerlanguage, the very same Josh Wardle who would create Wordle and spawned another worldwide internet sensation four and a half years later.
As a community revolving around Wordle, one of Wardle's creations, we felt it only fitting to leave a little mark on the r/place canvas.
Every inch of the canvas is fiercly guarded and hotly contested by large, active online communities, so it was no easy feat, and took several false starts and amended plans, but ultimately, we did it!
With r/wordle collaborating with r/mahjong, we wrote the name of "PLACE" in the style of a Wordle solution (and successfully defended the drawing) so it will forever be part of this massive canvas.